Why God Tests Your Faith / faithfulness/ trust god/ testing / temptation /

Khmer25 President


The video explains how the Bible describes the tests and choices humans face, starting with Adam and Eve. It shows that tests can help us grow or become traps. Examples include Abraham, Sarah, and Jesus. The video emphasizes that while humans often fail, Jesus passed by trusting God and sacrificing himself for humanity's mistakes. It encourages viewers to see their personal tests as chances to get closer to God.


0:04 - The video begins with God creating the world and appointing Adam and Eve to rule it.

0:18 - God tests Adam and Eve with the forbidden tree, highlighting the theme of choice.

1:07 - The video explains that tests can be opportunities or traps based on the intentions behind them.

2:56 - Abraham's loyalty to God is shown when he is asked to sacrifice his son.

3:10 - The Israelites' repeated failures during their forty-year journey in the wilderness are discussed.

3:47 - Jesus' ability to resist temptation in the wilderness is highlighted.

4:23 - Jesus calls the night of his arrest "the great test," emphasizing its importance.

4:52 - Jesus' sacrifice is explained as covering the failed tests of all humanity.

5:06 - Followers of Jesus are reminded that they will face their own tests, which are opportunities for spiritual growth.

5:34 - The final message encourages gratitude for tests, seeing them as chances to align more closely with God's wisdom.

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