In our Church Ministry we have Three Main Activities:

Khmer25 President


1. Church Activities

- In our church ministry we have three main activities:

1.1 Cell group Visiting, Society Events, Evangelical, 

and Hygienic activity.

1.2 Kid workshop, Youth conference, and Fellowship program.

1.3 Leadership Training Course and Make Disciples.

2. Classes Activities

Classes Ministry we have another 

three main activities:

2.1 English language and Khmer class

2.2 Computer classes and technical skill

2.3 Bible study and online program.

3. Dormitory Student Activities

Dormitory students, we have three activities:

3.1 Getting some students from some provinces who are 12 to 18 years old.

3.2 Support them with food and a dormitory to stay in.

3.3 We train the three main subjects below.

3.3.1 English language, Computer and Technical.

3.3.2 Bible Study and Bible Theological

3.3.3 Marketing and Business Management

- After they've finished the courses, they will become our local leaders, 

pastors, or staff and dealers where they are from.

4. Music and Sport Activities

Music and Sports Ministry has got three activities:

4.1 Worship Band

4.2 Music Band

4.3 Sports Team.

- These are our strategies to reach out to the kids and youth

 to hear the gospel and have an opportunity to accept Christ 

as their Lord and Savior. Moreover, after I became a pastor 

and church minister for only five years, I could train 15 students 

to become disciples they are from our English and computer classes.

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