Go Therefore and Make Disciples of All Nations: The Great Commission with Burk Parsons

Khmer25 President


The video emphasizes the profound importance of the Great Commission, underscoring that it is a command from Jesus Christ, not a suggestion. Believers are called to make disciples of all nations under Christ's authority, not their own. The video outlines steps to genuinely make disciples, which go beyond evangelism to include thorough teaching and mentorship, following Jesus' example of one-on-one guidance.


0:03 - Introduction to the Great Commission as a command rather than a suggestion.

0:18 - Christ’s authority is foundational for the command to 'go.'

0:40 - Discussion on the humble servant role of Christians in fulfilling the Commission.

0:51 - Clarification that 'to go' is an imperative command, not just an ongoing action.

1:22 - Emphasis on the need for discipleship beyond mere conversion, advocating for genuine mentor relationships.

2:55 - Explanation of baptism as an initiating rite into the faith.

This video stresses that true discipleship mirrors Jesus' model of personal training and guidance, highlighting the need for deep, mentoring relationships in the Christian faith.

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